• 魔友6956365     【和安砸一起心灵鸡汤】06

    • Just for Fun

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    Yale President Peter Salovey: Caring for Our Neighbours

    Graduates of the Class of 2020, family members, and friends: It is a privilege to be able to speak with you, even in this unusual way. I know you would rather be on campus — and I wish you could be here — but I am glad we can all do our part to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 and stay healthy.

    This crisis has been a wake-up call for all of us. It has stretched health care systems to the breaking point. It has threatened economies, both household and global.
    And, like many tragedies, it has exposed the vast gulf between the most fortunate and the most vulnerable. Long after the pandemic itself has subsided, we will need to commit ourselves to finding new and creative solutions to these long-term problems.

    It may be too early to say what we have learned from all of this. But at the least, we see more sharply than before our interdependence as a human community. Our deep levels of connection and need for one another are a weakness that infectious diseases exploit. But our interdependence is also a source of strength and vitality in uncertain times — indeed, all of the time.
    Many of us have found inspiration in the sacrifices of frontline hospital and health care workers; in the commitment of essential staff; and in the contributions of public health experts and legions of volunteers. All around us, we have seen ordinary people transformed into heroes.

    When this crisis is over, this is the lesson I hope we will carry with us: That we must act with urgent concern and compassion for the neighbors we know personally and those we do not; for people down the street, and for those on the other side of the globe.
    Yet in the face of disappointment and hardship, you have remained committed to your studies. You have continued to invent, imagine, and create. You have stayed connected with friends and family members. You have rejected isolation in favor of community. You have strengthened the ties that bind us together as a university and as a human family.
    And today, I encourage you to think of the Good Samaritan in a new light: not how great or amazing he was, but how ordinary he was. Life calls each of us, average human beings, to acts of extraordinary courage.
    These are no ordinary times. The world needs each of you, prepared to tackle whatever challenges come your way. I am confident that, with eyes open and hearts full of compassion, you will take Yale's mission of light and truth to neighbors near and far.

    Members of the Class of 2020:
    On behalf of the entire Yale community,
    Faculty, students, staff, and alumni:
    We salute your accomplishments; we are proud of your achievements.
    Remember to give thanks for all that has brought you to this day.
    And go forth with grateful hearts and helpful hands,
    Ready to lead and serve
    A world that needs your talents, gifts, and caring spirit,
    Now more than ever.
    Congratulations, Class of 2020!

    由于新冠肺炎疫情的影响,耶鲁大学将2020年的毕业典礼改为线上举行。5月18日,耶鲁大学校长苏必德(Peter Salovey)通过视频进行了主题为“关爱我们的邻舍”(Caring for Our Neighbors)的毕业典礼演讲,鼓励耶鲁毕业生们“把耶鲁光明与真理的使命带给咫尺与天涯的邻舍”。



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