• Rain·Man     美式英语发音规则与技巧

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    【精华讲解】在英语中需要连读的三种情况是: 1. 辅元连读 2. 辅辅连读 3. 元元连读 。(后续会更新23两种连读)辅元连读就是辅音结尾紧跟元音开头,比如what is it?Forget about it? 这里不但要连读,还要注意t的发音要变音,就是通俗讲的浊化成d,即当t音夹在两个元音之间而又处于非重读音节时,需要把t浊化成近似于d的音,比如在单词letter,water 和meeting 等中t都发成d,但在美语中它并非真正的d音,而是介于t、d之间的一个flap T,美语中的t音有三种具体发音方式:flap T(闪音T),true T(清音T)和stop T(破音T),这个会在后续具体讲,敬请期待。如有疑问,魔友们可以在评论区发问,小编会第一时间回复。

    The title of today’s video is wuh tsup. What’s up? This video is about linking: the specific case where you take a word that begins with a vowel or a diphthong and you link it to the word before that ends in a consonant sound. Wuh tsup. I’m sure you are noticing that I’m putting the TS sound, the final consonant sounds of the first word, and I’m attaching it to the second word. Tsup, tsup.

    Let’s look at this example, which has two cases where the consonant will link to the next word that begins with a vowel or diphthong. First, hours. It’s spelled with an H, but the first sound is the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong. So, if we’re going to take the consonant sound and put it at the beginning of that word, we’re going to be saying ‘nowers’: nowers, nowers. It’s like we’re making a new word. Teh – noters. The next case, a, is going to be the schwa sound. And we’re actually going to take the Z sound from the word before: zuh, zuh, zuh. Teh – nower – zuh – day. Ten hours a day.

    So taking the consonant from the end of one word and putting on the next word that begins with a vowel or diphthong, will make your speech sound much more connected, and much better linked.

    The T here in ‘what’ comes between two vowel sounds, so we’re going to pronounce it like a D. That’s wuh – dai – thought. Dai — connecting it to the word ‘I’. Wuh – dai. Now let’s reconnect those: what I, what I, what I, but still think of the D as beginning dai, dai. That’s what I thought. This sentence has two words that begin with vowels, and the words before end in consonants, so we’ll be linking. Again, the T is going to be pronounced as a D because it is between two vowel sounds. Wuh – dih – zit. Wuh – dih – zit. What is it, what is it? In this sentence, we’re going to take the Z sound and put it at the beginning of the word anniversary. Zanniversary. It’s hih – zanniversary. It’s his anniversary.

    And here, I – mon – the train. I – mon, I’m on, I’m on. I’m on the train. Here, we’ll take the S sound and put it at the beginning of the word ‘is’. Thih – siz – too much. Thih – siz, thih – siz, this is. This is too much. Here, again remember, those T’s between vowel sounds will be pronounced as D’s. Forgeh – dabou – dit. Forget about it. That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.

    1970-01-01   82赞       10踩       32686浏览 评论(30)
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