• 知味人生     知.味.人.生. 翻唱第二十二弹《On a slow boat to China》Feat.Emma/Victor

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    再次荣幸地邀请到Emma来合唱这一首On a slow boat to China,

    《On A Slow Boat To China》
    (feat.Emma & Victor)


    [Emma:] "Hey, nice piano playin', Victor."
    [Victor:] "Thank you, Emma."
    [Emma:] "Whatcha doin' these days?"
    [Victor:] "Makin' records."
    [Emma:] "Really?"
    [Victor:] "Yes, really."
    [Emma:] "Do you still play piano for people?"
    [Victor:] "Well, depends on who."

    [Emma:] Hmmm, I'm gonna get you
    on a slow boat to China,
    all to myself alone;
    Get you and keep you in my arms evermore;
    Leave all the others
    waitin' on a faraway shore.

    [Emma & Victor:] Out on the briny
    where the moon's big and shiny,
    melting your heart of stone.
    I'm gonna get you
    on a slow boat to China,
    all to myself alone.

    [Victor:] "Emma, I didn't know you felt that way about me."
    [Emma:] "I don't. I need a piano player."
    [Victor:] "Ahh, just like the old days!"
    [Emma:] "You're not gonna change keys on me, are ya?"
    [Victor:] "Unh Huh."
    [Emma:] "Ohhh!"

    [Emma:] I'm gonna get you
    [Victor:] You're never gonna get me.
    [Emma:] on a slow boat to China
    [Victor:] Not in a fast or slow boat to any crick.
    [Emma:] all to myself alone;
    [Victor:] I just get motion sick
    [Emma:] I'm gonna make you mine.
    [Victor:] Ha, you'll have to stand in line.
    [Emma:] Get you and keep you in my band evermore;
    [Victor:] Now there's a new attack.
    [Emma:] Leave all the others on the shore.
    [Victor:] For me they'd swim to China, to China and back.

    [Emma:] Out on the briny
    [Victor:] I wouldn't like the ocean,
    [Emma:] where the moon's big and shiny,
    [Victor:] not even in a rowboat.
    [Emma:] melting your heart of stone.
    Come on, what do you say?
    [Victor:] Ha ha, you always get your way.
    [Emma & Victor:] I'm gonna get you
    on a slow boat to China,
    all to myself alone, to-ge-ther.
    All to myself alone.


    1970-01-01   108赞       2踩       6670浏览 评论(39)
男 男一号lv45


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