• 梁丢丢❤️小恬恬     梁丢丢❤️小恬恬的课程心得 ——<魔方英语 lesson34 鼓励启发①>

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    if you say that someone is a nerd, you mean that they are unpopular or boring, especially because they wear unfashionable clothes or show too much interest in computers or science.
    无聊的人; (对电脑或科技太过着迷的)书呆子 [非正式,侮辱]
    Compute/architecture/book nerd
    Look, you will probably going to be very successful computer person.
    You gonna go thru life thinking that girls don't like you,
    Because you're a nerd...
    lose one's mind
    发狂;发疯;精神错乱; 失去理智,不能自制
    Out of control ,insane
    I can't be with the kids all day. I'd lose my mind.
    我明白了 去它的家庭学习
    Hey. Ok, I get it. Home schooling is out.
    现在 她突然要求共同监护
    Now, out of the blue, she's gotta have joint custody.

    1970-01-01   9赞       0踩       583浏览 评论(2)
女 女一号lv47


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